GTA Online's Richest Have So Much Money, they can’t count their money

GTA Online's Richest Have So Much Money, they can’t count their money

Rockstar Games is going to port Grand Theft Auto 5 to the upcoming PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X, alongside its multiplayer component Grand Theft Auto Online.

So in GTA online, any player logged in their account since April got $500,000 deposited in their GTA money bank account. and Now the developer announced that there is another $500,000 free money for GTA players to claim extremely easy in their accounts. So richer players already got so much income that the even can't handle, Now facing a very tough time in counting their money.

This was recently shared as an example by Reddit user u/Fighter_ who said help from GTA to actually count their money was what they needed.

The real update we need and no one is talking about it from r/gtaonline

Thanks to devs, there are players with millions, and more, in their banks and a few of them are finding it a touch hard to stay count.
Did you get that money?

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