Pubg lite pc :: get free skins in 2020 ,New
update Free Skin codes.
To get free ScarL ,M416 and Kar98 skin in your account without any cost there are some simple steps-
Survivor Level Update increased the level of Survivor Level to 100.
- Survivor Level increased
- 51 LV ~ 100 LV added
- New rewards added for 51 LV ~ 100 LV
This update includes a few modifications to the menus and purchasable items. In this patch update they focused on providing a stable service our players can enjoy for a long time.
To get all the skins of weapons you must reach the 100 level in survivor level.
Silver Bullet to puchase skins and outfits in pubg lite.
Silver Bullet Market also get a small update and some new skins for weapons like UPM9,AKM,Shotgun and Sks are added in the store.
All of these new skins are available to purchase in sliver bullet shop section with the exchange of silver bullets of PUBG Lite. But whenever a new event is introduced in game, people also want some skins for free ,So free skins are added in survivor level.